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Brakes Plus on Hunter AutoComp Elite®

Service times reduced. Comeback issues eliminated.


Tim Smith, Equipment Manager and Store Inspector for Brakes Plus, talks about the improvement in quality, service time and customer and technician satisfaction when using the AutoComp Elite® over other brake lathe brands.

Brakes Plus is a family owned and operated business that was established in May 1990 and started with one location in Denver, Colorado. Since then, it has grown into a multi-state, 75-location business in the automotive industry. Brakes Plus has seen many changes in the automotive world and has always been able to keep up with technological advancements, so they can be a leader in automotive repairs and service.

When Hunter introduced the AutoComp Elite®, we were using another brand of lathe that was the best, and they claim to still be the best in the industry. We tested the AutoComp Elite® in two of our locations in Colorado, and we found it to be superior to the lathes we were using. AutoComp Elite® includes a list of features that ‘Brand X’ does not offer, along with a future of less maintenance/repair costs. We decided as a company to move forward with Hunter. We have other Hunter products in all of our locations, and the AutoComp Elite® gives us the same reliability of service as our other Hunter products. We were extremely excited to see what it would do for us.

The AutoComp Elite® has been a huge success for Brakes Plus, providing the best finish a lathe can produce on a rotor. It has sped up our brake service and has all but eliminated any brake comeback issues. The best part is the Anti-Chatter Technology (ACT) built into the lathe.

There are many reasons we went with the AutoComp Elite®. Variable speed finishing, no need for silencers, the adaptor search directly through the tablet, rotor specs on the tablet, the Bit Minder to remind you to rotate the cutting bits, round bits for longer life, when changing sides for service the controls change 180 degrees, so they are always on top no need to try and see what you are doing upside down, one depth adjuster for both sides of the cutting bits, all enclosed parts for protection against rotor filings (this is a major issue with ‘Brand X’). I am sure there are many more features the stores have, but these are the ones that come to mind.

Our service time for the on-car lathe service we offer has been reduced dramatically, and we have sped up our production times. Once I put this lathe into service in a store, the technicians are more likely to use the AutoComp Elite® vs. ‘Brand X’, as they have so much more confidence in what the finished product will be. As a technician and a company, doing the job right the first time is a huge advantage. If we have to do the job a second time, the production just went out the door. The response I have received from our technicians and shop managers has been exactly what I was looking for when deciding to go with the AutoComp Elite® on-car brake lathe. We have had no major issues with the lathes and look forward to purchasing more in the future.

Our relationship with Hunter Engineering Company has been an ongoing partnership for the last 28 years and has been the best! The service provided in all states is top, and as an Equipment Manager, keeping equipment in top working order is key for production. I have made many relationships in and outside the job with a number of the Hunter Service Team. I am truly fortunate to know many of the Hunter family of top management team and Service Representatives and can not tell you how happy we are with Hunter products and service. Hunter is top in the industry in equipment and service!

Tim Smith

Equipment Manager/Store Inspector, Brakes Plus


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brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial
brakes plus hunter engineering testimonial



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