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Système d’alignement

Machines d’alignement standard

Des résultats rapides et un temps de préparation court

Hunter propose des systèmes d’alignement faciles à opérer et à faible coût de possession. Les machines d’alignement standard permettent d’obtenir des mesures d’alignement efficaces rapidement grâce à la technologie d’imagerie HawkEye® et au logiciel WinAlign® Lite puissants.

Aperçu des fonctionnalités

  • Easy and safe wheel adaptors
  • Capable WinAlign® Lite software
  • High durability, high uptime
  • Comprehensive vehicle coverage

Aperçu des spécifications

  • 2 minute
    Setup time
  • 24.5 in.
    Maximum wheel diameter



Alignement Hunter standard




Speed setup time with Hunter's patented QuickGrip® adaptors and high-definition targets


Fast installation

Spring-loaded clamping arms install easily — off-center placement has no effect on accuracy.


Avoid rim damage

Clamps hook tires and protective ring provides no metal-to-metal contact.


Efficient design

Lightweight, durable and low-profile form make QuickGrip® adaptors a technician-favorite.



Vous avez du mal à vous décider ?

Voici quelques conseils

Nous avons répertorié quelques éléments à prendre en compte lors du choix d’une machine d’alignement.


Consultez-les ici



À quel point l’alignement avec WinAlign® Lite est-il facile ?


Select a vehicle
Measure angles
Make adjustments
Present results

Select a vehicle

  • Recall specifications

Measure angles

  • Install targets
  • Capture measurements
  • Review "before" results

Make adjustments

  • Follow the adjustment instructions
  • Print before-and-after results

Present results

  • Sell more alignments
  • Generate greater profits




Patented and industry-proven alignment features

Save your technicians time and effort with features such as WinToe® adjustments, Ride Height spec coverage, and front axle only measurement option.


TechShop Top 5 Tools Award          Undercar Digest Top 10 Tools Award          MOTOR Top 20 Tools Award          NewAge Multimedia Award          New Media Vision Award


See all of the features

WinAlign Lite WinToe Screen


Ensure a straight steering wheel every time without repeated adjustments or using a steering wheel holder.

WinAlign Lite Power Tools Screen

Power tools

Advanced adjustments made easy with built-in Power Tools to guide the way for control arms, bushings, shims, and wheel off adjustments.

WinAlign Lite Ride Height Screen

Ride Height Spec Coverage

Easily obtain ride height based alignment specifications for BMWs, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot, and more with built-in calculations plus optional inclinometer tool.

WinAlign Lite Front Axle Measurement

Front axle only measurement option

Quickly perform basic, front end alignments by only mounting the front axle targets. No rear target mounting required.

WinAlign Soundguide feature


WinAlign® provides auditory indicators that sound during the adjustment process for when the console screen is not visible.

WinAlign Lite Wheelbase and Track Width Screen

Wheelbase and Track Width Measurements

Get a full picture of the vehicle's wheelbase and track width measurements.

WinAlign Lite Vehicle Symmetry Measurements Screen

Vehicle Symmetry Measurements

See accurate wheelbase setbacks and track width offsets to properly diagnose and align vehicles.



Envoyez un message à votre conseiller commercial local Hunter pour recevoir un devis gratuit ou une démonstration de produit.

Ce formulaire de contact est destiné aux demandes légitimes concernant les équipements et les services Hunter. Toute autre utilisation est interdite et sera rejetée. Voir les Conditions d’utilisation complètes



Définissez la bonne configuration d’alignement pour votre atelier

See wheel targets

Hunter high-definition wheel target and QuickGrip adaptor


High-definition wheel targets with QuickGrip® adaptors

Requires camera sensors

Hunter high-definition wheel target and self-centering adaptor


High-definition wheel targets with self-centering adaptors

Requires camera sensors

Hunter DSP700 alignment sensor with self-centering adaptor


Conventional sensors with self-centering adaptors

No camera sensors required

See camera sensors

Hunter WinAlign Lite cabinet-mount camera sensor configuration

Cabinet Mount (CM)

Services multiple alignment bays and provides a full range of travel for additional lift height.

Hunter WinAlign Lite manual lift camera sensor configuration


Provides a full range of vertical travel for additional lift height.

Hunter WinAlign Lite fixed column camera sensor configuration


Suitable for specific alignment height ranges

Hunter WinAlign Lite wall mount camera sensor configuration

Wall Mount (WM)

Enable the optimal use of available space.



Get more work done with less hassle using Fully Integrated Alignment (FIA)

Automatic locking and unlock functions allow your technicians to focus more on the alignments.


Precision Cameras

High-resolution cameras measure wheels automatically once the fourth target is installed.

WinAlign® Console


Centralized system that guides the technician through the alignment process.

PowerSlide® System


Slipplates and turnplates automatically lock and unlock at appropriate times.

Inflation Station


Automatically inflates all four tires simultaneously while recording final pressure.


Illuminate your work area with automatic on/off during lift functions.





Options and Accessories

Enhance your alignment process with these optional add-ons.


See options

Hunter handheld remote for wheel aligner

Handheld Remote

Save time and effort with remote control around the shop bay.

Technician using Hunter CodeLink tool


Perform steering system resets for supported vehicles.

Technician using Hunter Remote Indicator alignment tool

Remote Indicator

See adjustments live when working under the vehicle rear.

Wheel-off adaptor for HawkEye camera target

Wheel-off adaptors

Install alignment targets or sensors on hubs to ease adjustments with the wheel out of the way.

WinAlign Lite Ride Height Screen

Handheld inclinometer

Easily obtain ride height based alignment specifications for BMWs, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot, and more with built-in calculations.

Your shop deserves the fastest, easiest system

Get 70-second alignment measurements with pinpoint accuracy with HawkEye Elite® — the most powerful wheel alignment machine on the market today.



Votre technicien SAV Hunter local peut répondre à vos questions, vous aider à utiliser l’équipement et vous fournir une formation sur site. Acheter des pièces de rechange d’origine Hunter en ligne

Ce formulaire de contact est destiné aux demandes légitimes concernant les équipements et les services Hunter. Toute autre utilisation est interdite et sera rejetée. Voir les Conditions d’utilisation complètes




Connectez votre équipement à votre entreprise

  • Optimisez les performances de votre atelier
  • Simplifiez les discussions avec les clients grâce à des outils de vente
  • Consultez les informations détaillées sur le train roulant

Monitor Trends

Get a high-level overview of your alignment machine usage trends. 

Receive daily reports

Setup to receive daily Push Reports to keep your goals and performance in check.

Recall Past Results

View previously serviced vehicles and recall printouts.





Garantie Hunter de 3 ans

Hunter Engineering Company garantit les nouvelles pièces de rechange des équipements pendant trois ans et la main-d’œuvre pendant six mois.

Fièrement conçu et fabriqué aux États-Unis

De l’acier brut au produit fini. Lorsque vous choisissez Hunter, vous soutenez plus de 1 000 travailleurs américains.


En savoir plus

HawkEye Elite® Alignment


Four precision cameras measure each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors.


Designed & Built in the USA


Expert assembly goes into each alignment system, alignment console, tire changer, balancer, brake lathe and other components.


Hunter service

Hunter deploys the largest service force of highly-qualified representatives in the industry.

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