Farm & Fleet Service
Safe, durable equipment for rural and agricultural technicians
Service heavy-duty vehicles
Handle large tires with ease
Maximize time and efficiency
Ensure technician safety
Farm & Fleet Service
Montážní stroj TCX635HD + vyvažovačka kol HD Elite™
Podívejte se na schopnosti montážního stroje nákladních pneumatik Hunter TCX635HD, který technikům umožňuje snadný a spolehlivý servis nákladních kol.
TCX645HD Tire Changer
The Hunter TCX645HD is an efficient electro-hydraulic-powered heavy duty tire changer that combines a range of unique features and capabilities to make wheel service for trucks, buses, tractors and other specialized machinery faster, easier and more profitable.
SmartWeight® Pro v kostce
HD Elite™ Balancer
Hunter's HD Elite™ combines cutting-edge features of Hunter’s Road Force® Elite and ForceMatch® HD balancers to help eliminate wheel-related vibration and increase tire life.
Accurate alignment for your heavy-duty vehicles
Big or small, align them all
The HawkEye® XL is Hunter's industry-standard vision technology built for commercial vehicles.
- Align Class 8 down to passenger vehicles
- Capture all measurements in a single rolling compensation
- See live alignment reading from three axles at once
- Three-dimensional XL targets are durable, low maintenance, and non-electronic
Lift your vehicle and your expectations
Hunter's high-capacity, wide-set alignment racks are built for your heavy-duty farm, implement, and fleet equipment.
- 30-inch galvanized runways
- 35,000-lb. capacity on all models
Rotate and balance
Ensure your farm and fleet wheels are properly balanced
Heavy-duty wheels, all in perfect balance
All of Hunter's large-scale balancer line are SmartWeight® capable.
- SmartWeight® balancing technology saves time with more single-weight balances, reducing weight usage by up to 35%
- Guarantee proper centering with CenteringCheck® technology
- Solve vibration issues for tires of all sizes
SmartWeight® Pro
Passenger- Smallest and most lightweight footprint
- CenteringCheck® eliminates setup errors
- SmartWeight® efficient weight placement
- No-touch wheel measurement
- Single-knob interface
HD Elite™
Heavy-Duty- Wheel lift assists up to 500-lb. assemblies
- Service car and light truck assemblies
- CenteringCheck® eliminates setup errors
- SmartWeight® efficient weight placement
- True self-calibration with patented eCal auto-calibration
Tire replacement
Quickly and safely change large tires
Let Hunter industrial-grade tire changers do the heavy lifting
Hunter's heavy-duty tire changer line increases technician safety and handles difficult changes with ease.
- Match-mounting ensures consistent results
- Service both passenger and heavy-duty vehicles
TCX50 Series
Passenger- Table-top tire changer
- Handles small to medium-duty trucks and cars
- Adjusting clamps from 10-26"
- Protects tires with "wing and knob" mount head and hi-grip jaw covers
Heavy-Duty- Low-risk, operator friendly design
- Match-mounting capability for achieving the smoothest possible ride
- Easy push-on, push-off rollers increase both speed and efficiency
- Offers simple, all-in-one controls
Heavy-Duty- Low-risk, operator friendly design
- Mount and demount large tractor and implement tires with ease
- Two speeds for easy loosening
- Accessible controls, with wireless options available
Pošlete zprávu místnímu zástupci společnosti Hunter a objednejte si bezplatné předvedení na místě.
Tříletá záruka společnosti Hunter
Stojíme za vaším vybavením a nákupem.
Společnost Hunter Engineering Company poskytuje záruku a výměnu náhradních dílů zařízení po dobu tří let a záruku na zpracování po dobu šesti měsíců.
Pošlete zprávu místnímu zástupci společnosti Hunter a obdržíte cenovou nabídku nebo předvedení produktu zdarma.
HD™ Elite
Vyvažovačka kol pro kola nákladních vozidel a autobusůEliminujte vibrace související s koly u sestav nákladních vozidel použitím osvědčených a patentovaných funkcí vyvažovačky Hunter.
Montážní stroje pneumatik nákladních vozidel a autobusů
Bezpečné a rychlé použití u velkých pneumatikProvádějte servis nadrozměrných kol až po traktorové sestavy bezpečně a bez potu.